Concord received the prestigious President’s Industrial Development Award in recognition of our contribution to Bangladesh’s economic growth. We are grateful to our partners, stakeholders and all members of Concord who have helped us on this tremendous journey.
A New Milestone: Concord is proud of the part we played in constructing the New Airport Terminal. This is a great leap for our economy and a symbol of pride for the nation.
Concord also constructed the original Hazrat Shahjalal Airport and the VVIP Terminal over four decades ago.
Concord is honoured to be among the top taxpayers in the real estate industry in 2022. We are proud to be able to contribute towards the growth of our economy & our country. We want to thank our clients, colleagues and well wishers for their support over the years.
Concord was awarded the Bangladesh Government ‘s National Environment Award- 2020 for their outstanding contribution to the country’s environment. Concord was selected for their pioneering role in introducing and implementing green technology and green building materials in the real estate and construction industry.
Concord has received the esteemed ESSAB Safety Excellence Award 2022 in the premises category for its remarkable application of fire safety and security. The award intends to demonstrate innovative firefighting technology and raise national awareness. Before choosing a space, consumers must be certain that they will enjoy a safe and secure lifestyle there, and this award demonstrates our commitment to them in this regard.
Concord has one of the highest credit rating of AA+ in the real estate sector. Customers need to be aware of the financial strength of a company, so that it is capable of delivering projects on time. This rating signifies that Concord is one of the safest real estate companies in the country.
সাহায্যনির্ভর বাংলাদেশ এখন বাণিজ্যনির্ভর দেশে পরিণত হয়েছে সাহসী উদ্যোক্তাদের জন্য। অর্থনীতির এসব অগ্রনায়ক, পথ রচয়িতা ও স্বপ্নদ্রষ্টার মধ্যে অন্যতম এস এম কামালউদ্দিন, যিনি বাংলাদেশে সুউচ্চ আর সুন্দর ভবন নির্মাণের পথিকৃৎ। প্রথম আলোর ৫০-এ ৫০ অর্থনীতির গেম চেঞ্জার পড়ুন বিস্তারিত:
Concord and BUET will engage in “Long Term Research and Academic Collaboration” through this agreement and provide scholarships and fellowships for BUET students. Concord is proud to be associated with one of the most prestigious educational institutions in the country.
Hon’ble State Minister of the Ministry of Power, Energy and Mineral Resources Mr. Nasrul Hamid inaugurated the Lake City Concord sub-station of DESCO. This land was given by Concord to DESCO to set up a 33/11 KVA sub-station adjacent to Concord’s Lake City Project. This sub-station will provide uninterrupted power to the residents of Lake City and for all residents in the surrounding area.
Concord Group Managing Director Shahriar Kamal hands over a key of freezer van to Inspector General of Police Dr Mohammad Zabed Patwary at a function in the capital recently. Senior officials of Bangladesh Police were also present on the occasion.
Concord Engineers & Constructions Ltd. (CECL) have signed a contract agreement with Aviation Dhaka Consortium (ADC) formed with Mitsubishi Corporation, Fujita Corporation & Samsung C&T Corporation for the Construction of Terminal -3 (Package-1, Centre) at the Hazrat Shahjalal International Airport (HISA). Project Director of ADC and Director (Construction) of Concord Group signed the agreement. Mr. Shahriar Kamal, Managing Director of Concord Group attended the program.
The Main Airport Building and the VVIP Terminal were also previously constructed by Concord.
Concord was awarded the construction of Palli Karma Sahayak Foundation (PKSF) project in Mohammadpur. The project has a foundation for 21-storey and 4 basements. The project is being constructed under the supervision of BUET.
Concord won the contract for the Academic Building of Ahsanullah University of Science and Technology (AUST) in Kunipara, Tejgaon. The project is expected to be complete by January 2023.
Concord won the prestigious International Quality Crown (IQC) Award for their theme park and hospitality conglomerate comprising of Fantasy Kingdom Complex (Fantasy Kingdom, Heritage Park, Water Kingdom, Xtreme Racing, Resort Atlantis) and Foy’s Lake Complex ( Foy’s Lake Concord Amusement World, Sea World, Foy’s Lake Resort and Bungalows). Concord won this award for their contribution to the tourism and entertainment sector in Bangladesh.
Concord is the first company and only developer to have received the DHL Daily Star Business Award in the category: “Enterprise of the Year 2000” in recognition of “Outstanding Leadership Quality and as a Role Model in Corporate Business in Bangladesh”
Concord won the international Quality BID (Business Initiative Direction) Award at the 24th International Quality Summit in New York. The program is designed to recognize outstanding companies, organizations and businesses from all over the world.
More details:
Fantasy Kingdom in Ashulia, Dhaka and Foy’s Lake in Chottogram are two of the biggest theme parks in the country, set up by Concord. Fantasy Kingdom comprises of 2 dry parks, a water park, a theme hotel and a go-kart track. Foy’s Lake has a dry park, a water park and a theme hotel set over 300 acres of rolling hills surrounding the beautiful Foy’s Lake. Concord’s parks are delighted to host over 3 million visitors per year.
ইটভাটা শুধু বাতাসই দূষণ করছে না; মাটির উর্বরতা ধ্বংস করে দিচ্ছে, ধানের ফলন কমিয়ে দিচ্ছে, শাকসবজি, ফলমূল কমে যাচ্ছে, সর্বোপরি মানুষের শারীরিক ও মানসিক অবস্থার চরম ক্ষতি করছে। ভারত, চীন, থাইল্যান্ড, ভিয়েতনামসহ বিশ্বের বেশির ভাগ দেশে ইটভাটার ভয়াবহতা উপলব্ধি করে এরই মধ্যে সেসব বন্ধ করে দিয়ে ব্লকের দিকে হাঁটছে। বাংলাদেশেও যত দ্রুত সম্ভব ইটভাটা বন্ধ করে পরিবেশবান্ধব ব্লকের দিকে যাওয়ার তাগিদ দিয়েছেন পরিবেশবিদ, গবেষক ও বেসরকারি খাতের অংশীজনরা।
গতকাল শনিবার রাজধানীর বারিধারায় ইস্ট ওয়েস্ট মিডিয়া গ্রুপ মিলনায়তনে কালের কণ্ঠ ও কনকর্ড গ্রুপ আয়োজিত ‘টেকসই উন্নয়নে পরিবেশবান্ধব নির্মাণসামগ্রী’ শিরোনামের গোলটেবিল বৈঠকে পরিবেশবিদ ও গবেষকরা আরো বলেছেন, বায়ুদূষণের জন্য ইটভাটার পাশাপাশি নির্মাণসামগ্রী, যানবাহনের ধোঁয়া ও প্রকাশ্যে বর্জ্য পোড়ানো মাথাব্যথার কারণ হয়ে দাঁড়িয়েছে। রাজধানীতে ধুলাবালি এত ভয়াবহ অবস্থায় গেছে যে মানুষ এখন আর সবুজ দেখে না। ২০৩০ সালের মধ্যে জাতিসংঘ ঘোষিত টেকসই উন্নয়ন লক্ষ্যমাত্রা (এসডিজি) বাস্তবায়ন করতে চাইলে এসব বিষয়ে বিশেষ নজর দেওয়ার পরামর্শ দিয়েছেন পরিবেশবিদরা। বিশেষজ্ঞরা অবশ্য এ-ও বলছেন, রাতারাতি সারা দেশ থেকে আট হাজার ইটভাটা বন্ধ করা সম্ভব নয়।
বিস্তারিত পড়তে ভিজিট করুন:
Concord hands over 14 storied (with 3 basements) SMC Tower-2 well ahead of schedule. Mr. Ali Reza Khan, Managing Director & CEO of SMC took over the project on behalf of SMC. We are grateful to the management of SMC for their support.
A newly constructed second building “SMC Tower-2” has been handed over to SMC authority recently by Concord Engineers & Construction Ltd. The structural part of the construction work was started on August 10, 2017 and Concord completed their awarded part within the stipulated time. It is a 14-storied building having three basements. On that occasion, an official program titled “Handover Ceremony of SMC Tower-2” was held at a local hotel in the capital on February 27, 2020. At the event, the building was handed over by Mr. Shahriar Kamal, Managing Director of Concord Group of Companies and taken over by Mr. Md. Ali Reza Khan, Managing Director & CEO of SMC. The program was attended by two Directors of the SMC Board, Mr. Muhammed Ali and Mr. Md. Siddique Ullah and senior officials of both the companies.
The government move to make the use of blocks mandatory in public construction will boost manufacturing of environment-friendly construction materials and encourage private businesses to invest in the sector, said the chief of a top realtor.
“It is very good starting point,” Shahriar Kamal, managing director of Concord Group of Companies, told The Daily Star in an interview recently.
The reason being, before this people could not understand how serious the government was about the switch from the environmentally harmful fire-burnt clay bricks.
Last month, the ministry of environment, forest and climate change directed state-agencies to begin the use of blocks — which are made up of sand, cement fly ash or materials other than clay — in public construction from this fiscal year.
Public agencies will have to use blocks to build and repair walls of buildings, surrounding walls, herringbone bond road and rural passages in place of bricks, which use valuable topsoil as raw material.
Read more:
Concord set up their 5th green brick/block plant at their Meghna-Ghat factory recently. Concord was the first company to introduce and set up environmentally friendly Green Bricks/ Blocks factories in 1998.
Concord has always been at the forefront of introducing new technology and construction technologies in their field. Concord set up Bangladesh’s first commercial ready-mix concrete plants in 1987.
To meet the growing demand for the construction industry, Concord set up a brand new Italian plant in Gabtoli in 2020.
Concord has launched 6 stunning new projects in 2021.
> 28-storey commercial – Gulshan Avenue
> 15-storey commercial – Road 11, Banani
> 15-storey commercial – Road 25 Dhanmondi
> 10-storey Residential – Road 1. Baridhara
> 15-storey Residential – Road 14, Dhanmondi
> 15-storey Residential cum commercial – Panchlaish, Chattogram
The World Trade Center Chittagong is a 90.70 meters (297.6 feet), 21-floor complex located in Agrabad Commercial Area, Chittagong, Bangladesh. The building was opened in 2016. This is the first World Trade Center in Bangladesh. Concord introduced and implemented Top Down construction technology for the first time in Bangladesh in the construction of this building.
Lake City Concord is Bangladesh’s first gated township project constructed by RCBM (Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry) technology. This project has over 4000 apartments and all support facilities: its own school, shopping mall, mosque, gymnasium, convenience store, deep tube wells & separate office blocks. The entire project was constructed with environmentally friendly green bricks/ blocks.
All the buildings of Lake City Concord have been constructed using RCBM (Reinforced Concrete Block Masonry) technology makes buildings more earthquake-resistant than conventionally built buildings. This construction system can safely resist lateral or cyclic thrust because each wall made of these blocks is reinforced and behaves as an integrated concrete shear wall. Hence, load-bearing hollow concrete blocks are better suited for construction in earthquake-prone zones. RCBM technology was used for the first time in Bangladesh in Lake City Concord project.
Concord has launched 9 stunning new projects (Residential & Commercial) in 2022 and handed over 7 projects this year. There is no address like Concord.
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© 2025 Concord Real Estate Ltd. All Rights Reserved.